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Hi! It was really interesting to read your letter.I think, that it is good theme for discussing.When I see poor men in the street, I feel sad,and I always give money to them.I want to cry, I have a pain in my heart,I want to help to Everybody.

Good wishes.Dilya.

Hi!My name is Ilsiya.I am from Uzbekistan.Bukhara city.Dear Carl.It nice to listen your speech.I have never seen such countrylover as you.It is very good!!I think that people must to care about their future and their generation.We must respect each other and appriciate our opinions.It make a peace.




smile: I like your essay about life. My name is Dinara I am from Uzbekistan , Bukhara am 16 years old Our life is very important thing in the world.We must take care of our life and for our helth and mood. We must live our life with good mood and be more optimistic. Because […]

Hello everybody I am Islom from Bukhara, Uzbekistan. I agree with you all. And I think that we must fight against poverty and help them with their problems. And i think in the future we will decide this problem with all of our help.


Hi my name is Ilsiya!!!!!!! I am from Uzbekistan.Bukhara city. I always wantto have a friend in Egypt.I hope that we shall be a good friends!!!!!!!

My e-mail; Bye Ahmed!!!!!! :ooh: Ilsiya

Hello my name is Nasiba.I am from Uzbekistan.Every country has beggars,so I think we must take care of them,give them food,dress,and other things which they are need.We musn’t hate them because they are the same people as others.If we begin to hate each o ther, not give a hand,we will die.Only good relationships,foundation,friendship and love.People […]

Hello everybody My name is Dinara.I am 16 years old.from Uzbekistan. I meet a lot of poor people in the street. I am very pity this people but i cannot to pity people who very healthy and can to work.Because they can to find work and work and take a good payment. But to ill […]

Hi!My name is Ilsiya.I am from Uzbekistan.Bukhara city.Dear Carl.It nice to listen your speech.I have never seen such countrylover as you.It is very good!!I think that people must to care about their future and their generation.We must respect each other and appriciate our opinions.It make a peace.

:sillygrin: Ilsiya

HI!My name is Nigina.I read your message and agree with you.We must care about each other and help in deciding of problems.If we do it the world will become better.

BEST wishes to you and good luck!!! 🙂

Hi! It was really interesting to read your letter.I think, that it is good theme for discussing.When I see poor men in the street, I feel sad,and I always give money to them.I want to cry, I have a pain in my heart,I want to help to Everybody.

Good wishes.Dilya.
