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My Pet

My pet is a Dog. His name is Fluffy. He likes to eat meat. He likes to chase birds. He likes to play With me. I love my pet. 🙂 […]


The Illiad wich means the war was a very famouse book written by the Greec poet Hormer. The war starts when the Trogen prince Paris steels Helan wife of Menalause king of Sparta. My favourite caracater is king Odeseues king and war loard of Ithaca. But my favourite part is when Acileeze kills prince Hector […]

My School

The name of my school is Royal college. It’s situated in Colombo-07. About 8000 students are studying in my school and about 200 teachers are there. Our principal is Mr.Upali Gunasekara. Our school moto is “Disce aut Discede”. Sinhala,Tamil and English mediums are there. There are 3 libraries, a tennis court, a sports complex, a […]

Helping Others

Helping others is a very good thing to do. If our friends have not brought their pen or pencil we should share ours with them If we see an old or a blind person we should help them. It is also very good to help our parents in househod work.

From Lahiru

What Goes Around Comes Around

He almost didn’t see the old lady, stranded on theside of the road, but even in the dim light of day, hecould see she needed help. So he pulled up in frontof her Mercedes and got out. His Pontiac was stillsputtering when he approached her.

Even with the smile on his face, she was worried.No […]

An Hour

An Hour

A man came home from work late, tired and irritated, to find his 5-year-old son waiting for him at the door…

Son: “Daddy, may I ask you a question”

Daddy: “Yeah sure, what it is?”

Son: “Dad, how much do you make an hour”

Daddy: “That’s none of your business. Why do you […]

There once was a bunch of tiny frogs,…

who arranged a running competition

The goal was to reach the top of a very high tower

A big crowd had gathered around the tower to see the race and cheer on the contestants…

The race began…


No one in crowd really believed that the […]

GOOD DEEDS, 2005-2006

Hello everyone. I am a fellow student with Jennifer and Dajoun. My name is Kiersten. We work with our Student Council on many community service projects. This morning we collected money for the SPCA. We call this our Make A Wish Minute becuase we collect the money for one minute in the morning. The SPCA […]

Re: GOOD DEEDS, 2005-2006

Hi everyone!

My name is Jennifer and I am currently the President of my Student Council and President of my local 4-H club. We do many community service events that benefit a wide variety of people.

The first activity is called make a wish minutes. The first Friday of every month, students have 2 […]

Hello from a new member in the United States

Well since we have started the Good Deeds Program we have done several things to collect for the people who are infortunate during these times and other times. Each student in the school is asked if they are able to do for others. We can bring in anything that will help people that need it. […]