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Every Little Thing Counts

There could be so many things we as individuals can do to change the world and make it a better place little by little. I learned that throughout my day I needed to begin to appreciate the little things all around me. When we smile or say a gentle hello to someone we have made a difference someone’s world. When we enjoy our laughter with our friends and family we’ve made a difference not only in our own life but in the life of someone else. Doing what’s right when no one else sees it. Like feeding the poor, vouluteering, community service; taking time out to give your time thats making a difference. We need not to pass up these opportunities to enjoy life and by doing so changing the world. Because life is so precious and we need not to take it for gr anted but appreciate and live each day to the fullest.

Rhoda Asumadu

Georgia State University, USA

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