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Re: Changing The World One Smile at a Time


Hi Ismail, Hmm, you ask a very philosophical question . . .How powerful is a smile? I think that this all depends on the person recieving the smile. If that person is rarely smiled at and lives in abject misery or is terribly depressed, then a sm ile can go a long way. Do you know the “Chicken Soup for the Soul” book series. Well, in these stories the power of a smile is great. In one narrative, the combination of a smile and a mere compliment was enough to prevent a young teenager from commiting suicide. Also, there are some people who are very dependent on other’s opinions, so for them, a smile, especially from someone whose opinion they covet, is very valuable. But remember that not all smiles are alike . . .in America, we have a tende ncy to smile fake smiles at everyone in order to hide our feelings. Though there are some people who smile naturally a lot, others smile for effect . . .for example, smiling when saying “Hello” is a second instinct to most. I think that a smile i s a good first start, but that more is needed to change a person. But, then, a smile can give a person the confidence to go the extra mile.




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