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Hello from Uzbekistan


I am Site Monitor of Internet Centre of school 20 Fergana city, Uzbekistan. On given moment we work with our volunteer of the centre on this project. I have conducted the small seminar about good action in general, about that that we must help the nee ding retiree. Each day making any action, we try to make only good action. One of such action we have made to day of the victory, have visitted the veteran of the war, which waged war whole war. Meeting passed very seminal. The Veteran has told about the ir own feat, as well as pupils have asked to tell about good action, which he has made.After conversation, the pupils have solved to help the veteran, little were put in order, helped prepare dinner. Right after, the meeting have discussed already in cla ss our visit.

On given moment pupils write the small compositions about meeting and about good action. After our visit, we have solved also to descend in orphanage with our program. The Administration of the school completely us have supported. They have solved this vi sit to do school, each pupil will participate, someone will dance, someone will make drunk, someone will tell the poem, someone anything will bring for children from orphanage. Here is so, we work whole school.

Join Us.make good deeds.

🙂 :ooh: :sheepish:

“Sitora Khamidova”.

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