Write to you to the Site Monitors of Educational Internet Centers from schools ? 20 cities of Ferganas and ? 9 cities of Margelan from Uzbekistan. We with the volunteers have decided to begin work above the project ” Good deeds “. We p lan to visit children’s homes of our cities with concert programs. On Monday on May, 3 we plan to discuss with the volunteers a course of actions under the project, competitions, prizes, the dancing program, competition of figures. If you have same idies about this project, about our actions, please write to us. We will be waiting.
SM school # 20 Khamidova Sitora skhamidova@connect.uz
and school # 9 Badalov Jahongir jbadalov@connect.uz
Sitora Khamidova, Uzbekistan.
SM school # 20 Khamidova Sitora skhamidova@connect.uz
and school # 9 Badalov Jahongir jbadalov@connect.uz
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