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We are doing it guys!!

Hi all,

Greetings from Egypt…

I see our world is really getting better because of us!!! May be many of you will not agree with me but I am looking far.. to the future when WE become rulers and decision makers…

This I*EARN is the best proof of what I’m saying…see how many students from all over the world are making friendships, sharing opinions, knowing more and LOVING more through our beloved I*EARN????

We learn about countries we never used to hear about. and I’ll borrow the statement of Mrs. Yoko Takagi in the closing ceremony of the 7th IEARN Youth Summit in Japan,” I can never hate any country where I have friends”..

Our world IS getting better and thanks to IEARN and its likes :ooh: :ooh:

Sarah Magdy

Ramses College for Girls


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