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Angel Face

one day in Ramadan ,I was at my grandmother’ s home ,so I couldn’t come back early to my home ,so I missed the Iftar time (the time when Muslims eat after a fasting day).While I was walking to my home I decided to buy some food ,and eat it.,but there were a few people […]

A Helping Hand

Last year one day I went home with my friend ,we were talking with each other suddenly an old man stopped off ,and gave us two heavy bags .First we were very angry with him ,but when we saw that he was carrying two heavy bags we did help him willingly ,and continued walking then […]

Give Confidence / One to Two

Give ConfidenceWhat a wonderful feeling when you make your friend’s heart feel happy.When I surprised my friend while she was going up the stage of the theater.She was very happy & full of confidence & and she acted with all her feelings and talents.I wish I remained a real friend like that……………

One to […]


This story happened to me a few years ago, I was a little girl. It started on a normal day, I had my lunch and went to my room for a nap,suddenly I heard a cat voice I thought that it was our neighbor’s cat so I didn’t pay any attention, but later the voice […]

Cool New Stories from Syria

My Little Brother

Voluntary work is the best thing that you do if u want to make people happy and be friendswith them forever.

For this reason ,I’ve decide to take my little brother to his school when he misses his bus to school […]