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A Mother’s Love

My mom only had one eye. I hated her… she was such an embarrassment. My mom ran a small shop at a flea market. She collected little weeds and such to sell…anything for the money that we needed, she was such an embarrassment.

There was this one day during elementary school. I remember that it […]

Re: "Learn From a Frog " – A nice short story..

Dear Mr. Ismael..

I’m yomna,, in fact ….. yamani. I’ve read your story and liked it a lot,, and really inside me i belive in this wishdom,, that if you wanted to do something, you get your strengh from inside yourself, and if you act like a deaf you’ll probably win,, And those who tell […]

Georgia State University-Good Deeds In Atlanta USA

Atlanta, expanding and emerging as an international city, has plenty of room for good deeds. The important thing about good deeds is that some one, some group, or some place some how experiences a change-a change for the better; and all because someone, some group, from some place cares.

We want everyone to know […]

Re: GOOD DEEDS, 2005-2006

We are starting this project with class 7th grade students. we have planned to make a small unit. where we are independent to help eah other. we are making mini bank. in this every one will deposit amount. we will get also donation form other. the purpose of this will be to help students and […]

Re: GOOD DEEDS, 2005-2006

I am just learning about the good deeds project, but here is my entry.Brief Description of project:Meals on Wheels for the elderly

Full Description of project: I volunteered a a deliverer of hot meals to elderly patients throughout Atlanta Georgia. For the last month, on Tuesdays an Thursdays, I delivered meals to diabetic patients, elderly […]