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Re: interview with a street kids

DEAR NUTRIA What you told me in the message is correct it is very hard to understand the a boy can be throw it the street by his mother and father but I will tell you the complete story . His mother died when he was small and his […]

Good Deeds – Action Plan

Dear All,

Integrated Care Society – the cultural center library in Egypt introduces the students Action plan for all people that care about the others kindly, please share with us your ideas, opinions and comments.

Project action plan:

Name of the project: “Good Deeds – You are not […]


For Ismail Fayed: Hello friend! Thank you for your message and good thoughts. I believe I am not alone among many of those who are thinking about how to make the world better. You are absolutely right, people all over the world should do their own steps towards understanding each other and try […]


I am Mr.Nabil roshdy from Samy elbaroudy exp. school for girls from Alex. EGYPT two of my students thier names are “Fatma Atef& Rana Ebrahim” they have visited “TALBA HOSPITAL” in Alex.and this hospital for sick children .they were so affected by many children who are suffering from tumours, many of them […]