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Good Deeds Can Take Us A Long Way

Gratitude Obedience Outstanding Decent

Demeanor Etiquette Effect Decorum Success

As a prospective teacher, I feel that these words describe a measure of what it means to display good deeds. Whether it’s a welcoming smile, words of encouragement, or another nice gesture; good deeds will […]

Good Deeds never waste

Hi shude, I am Rabia from Alif Laila you are right if we are not poor and we have all things but we should try to help poors by giving them money, food and clothes by this we can make them happy. Good works never waste try to always he […]

Achivments of School #20

According the working on project “Good deeds” IEARN beside administrator EIC Sitora Hamidova and 6 pupil 8-“?”- class of the school 20 appeared the idea to visit the orphanage an invalid ” Muruvvat uyi” in Fergana city. This idea has supported al l teachers and pupils of the school and was […]