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Re: Do you hate poor man?


My name is Jennifer and I live in Atlanta, GA. I am a Georgia State University student. Since going to school in Atlanta, I have witnessed poor people who are homeless and live on the streets. Many have mental problems and some are just poor with no place to go. Everytime I see a homeless person on the streets, my heart breaks and I want to reach out and help so badly. Then I am reminded of the world that we live in and there are actually people who “work” as beggars and take peoples money who are only tr ying to help them. I do not hate poor people, I am always wanting to help. I hate to think that people would really hate poor people especially since most of the time they can’t help it. I am glad that you wrote a message about this topic. It is a very im portant topic that needs to be dealt with.

Jennifer .

“Atlanta-Jennifer Towles”:

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