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Care and Love

I had never done good deeds before. When I was 15 years old, my school started a project called “Aluno Cidad?o” or (Citizen Student). We had to help whit some charity actions. My group chose to visit an asylum. We stayed a day there playing the guitar and talking with people. When I arrived there, […]

Two Messages


When I help my mother, I fell tired, but around 3 years ago, her arm were wounded and I had to clean my house, wash the dishes and make food. I asked my brother to help me because I felt tired because my house is very big, and it was difficult to […]

Dangerous Fight!

Once, I had gone out with my friend. She said to me that 2she had fought with a girl that I met. I didn’t believe in her. I was laughing when a girl came, and they started to fight. The girl had a knife and hurted my friend. She was badly hurt and I had […]

helping Sick Children

Hi Jimmy,My name is Eline and I from brazil. My favorite color is blue,too. I like basketball but I prefer swimming. My favorite food is pizza and my mom’s food (it’s really good). My good deeds is helping sick children at a nursery school.I feel happy because you are in good deeds too.It’s good for […]