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  Every little thing counts

As far as little things go, I find myself getting so upset during a given day at little ways that I see people being disrespectful toward me or others. My first impact is to respond with equal disrespect (yell back, cut down, honk, etc.). There’s a hard line between not […]

Every Little Thing Counts

There could be so many things we as individuals can do to change the world and make it a better place little by little. I learned that throughout my day I needed to begin to appreciate the little things all around me. When we smile or say a gentle hello to […]

  Re: Take Time to Breathe   Hi Robyn, I too wish Americans could slow down. Most nations do have time for small things, but Americans are always rushing. And Americans are unusually obsessed with work. For example, in most countries, everyone takes a 2 or 3 hour break from work to have a very […]

  Take Time to Breathe   It seems as though everyone continuously rushes through life, juggling so many things at once, not realizing all of the wonderful treasures around them that they are missing out on. What a blessing it is to see the sunrise and here the birds chirp in the morning. The birds […]

That Would be nice Shannon

Hello my name is Margaret, I am 14 years old. I live in River Falls, Wisconsin and writing from a summer camp in River Falls.

Shannon, that would be nice if eveverybodyrusted anyone. It dedefiantlyould bring a lot of cultures together. River Fa lls is a small town but […]

  Re: Changing The World One Smile at a Time   Hi Ismail, Hmm, you ask a very philosophical question . . .How powerful is a smile? I think that this all depends on the person recieving the smile. If that person is rarely smiled at and lives in abject misery or is terribly depressed, […]

Walk a mile, walk two   Before one of my classes, I stopped and ate dinner at Subway in downtown Atlanta. I took my textbook in with me with the intent of studying for a test. The owner of the restaurant started talking to me about my textbook and my class. We talked about my […]

Changing The World One Smile at a Time

Who or What Made You Smile Today?

With each passing day, somewhere out there is a smile for you. I don’t know who has your smile with them, but they are ready to give it to you and you don’t even have to ask for it. […]

Re: Making a big difference to make the world a better place


It’s very pleasing to hear someone say that are not going to give up on their students. There are too many teachers today that are teaching only for the money, it’s time that we have some teachers are teaching because they […]

Re: Making a big difference to make the world a better place


It’s very pleasing to hear someone say that are not going to give up on their students. There are too many teachers today that are teaching only for the money, it’s time that we have some teachers are teaching because […]