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GSU – Good Deeds in Atlanta

You must give some time to your fellow men even if it’s a little thing; do something for others, something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it.” – Albert Schweitzer

This quotation says a lot. I volunteer at my daughter’s school at least once a week. I do what ever needs to be done. I help out in the clinic, the media center, the classroom and even on the playground (hate outdoors). The one thing I enjoy most is helping students inside the classroom. I help some students with their with class work, other with reading and the list goes on. When I am unable to make it to the school I work from my house. There is always something to be done.

This experience has taught me that there is always work to be done in a classroom. Sometimes we send our children to school and many of us do not realize all the things that a teacher needs to do to run an effective classroom, especially in the lower grades. I know that all of t he things that I do in the classroom will benefit a lot of people especially me. I often tell my daughter’s teacher that I learn more from the students than I can ever teach them. I must say that this experience has taught me that as a future teacher, I will need the help of the entire community, not just the parents to perform my job and do it effectively.

Flaviana N
Georgia State University

Atlanta, GA

1 comment to GSU – Good Deeds in Atlanta

  • kristelle del rosario

    Great work! It inspires me. I will do it also to my kid if the time comes that i’ll have a kid. Keep up the good works! You can share your good deeds to A Global Tribe. Check it out if you have time, it is a great site.

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